Cast from heaven, stripped of his angelic powers, Zachary is forced to wander the earth until he's given one final chance at redemption. Which leads him into the service of his once-beloved in the castle of the current incarnation of Dracula himself...
Can he save himself and her, or did his choice cost them both life eternal?
A striking and brilliantly affecting treatment of sacrifice, redemption, and the struggle of good vs. evil. Highly recommended.
And, yeah, I'm married to the author :-). Also available from Walker UK and Australia.
You are so funny and such a romantic. I'm sure your readers will be charmed. (He's not at all biased...)
I would never assume there was any bias going on!
If the story is a good as the cover it's sure to be a success. I absolutely love the cover. The ethereal imagery is intiguing and beautiful.
Maureen. www.thepizzagang.com
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