Other main-session speakers included Yolando LeRoy (Charlesbridge); Michael Stearns (Upstart Crow); Stacy Cantor (Walker & Co.); Nick Eliopulos (Random House); and Alisha Niehaus (Dial).
Altogether, it was an excellent event, characterized by great comraderie and Midwestern efficiency. :-). The night we got in, the group took us to dinner at the Weber Grill restaurant (barbecue was excellent) and the night after, to Uno's.
Some pictures:

I just like this one :-). The event was held at Harper College in Schaumburg and the theme was "Brick by Brick: The Architecture of our Stories," and this sign put me in mind of the Big Bad Wolf. For some reason. And, yes, for the record, the Men's Room was likewise a tornado shelter.

Thanks to everyone who drove and organized and escorted and attended!
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